NovaStar DIS-300

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NovaStar DIS-300 is an Ethernet port distributor. Featuring 2x Ethernet inputs and 8x Ethernet outputs.

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Article Number: N-78-202-30
Supplier: NovaStar

NovaStar DIS-300 is an Ethernet port distributor. Featuring 2x Ethernet inputs and 8x Ethernet outputs, it supports two working modes: 1 in 8 out, or 2 in 4 out. It can be mainly used in the fixed installation and rental applications with multiple small and medium-sized displays, such as banks, shopping malls and securities companies.

Key Features

  • 2x Gigabit Ethernet inputs and 8x Gigabit Ethernet outputs
  • Switching between the 1 in 2 out and 2 in 4 out working modes
  • Input capacity up to 1,300,000 pixels (2 in 4 out mode)
  • Reading back data from the receiving card

Certifications: CE, RoHS

How can we help you?

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We will quickly and happily respond to all messages.

CVT10 Pro-M

1 862 EUR


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