Chrome Extensions

NovaStar Shop has created a few extensions for the Google Chrome web browser. If you want to personalize your browser with NovaStar Shop colors, you can install any of our Chrome Themes. If you want to improve your browser experience, you can install any of our Chrome Extensions, which offer more utility than a theme. Read more about all extensions and themes below.

NovaStar Shop Extension

Chrome web store page

This extension modifies Google search results when searching for NovaStar products to make NovaStar Shop easy to find and access. Loyal customers using this chrome extension may get access to exclusive discounts.

Google search showing NovaStar Shop at the top.

Version History

V1.0: Initial version

NovaStarShop Theme

Chrome web store page

This theme changes the colors of your browser to a combination of blue and green, inspired by the NovaStar logo. With a blue background and green tabs, it truly captures the NovaStar feeling.

NovaStarShop Theme giving the browser a blue background and green tabs.

Version History

V1.0: Initial version

V1.1: Slight color adjustments

NovaStarShop Dark Theme

Chrome web store page

This theme changes the colors of your browser to a dark grey and black, and mixes it with blue and green text inspired by the NovaStar logo. The NovaStarShop Dark Theme is perfect for people who prefer to use dark mode while still adding uniqueness.

NovaStarShop Dark Theme turns the browser dark grey with blue and green text.

Version History

V1.0: Initial version

V1.1: Blue text turned lighter to improve visibility