NovaLCT and NovaVMP: NovaStar's Software Solutions

|24/05, 2024

NovaLCT and NovaVMP: NovaStar's Software Solutions

In the world of LED display technology, efficient management and configuration tools are crucial for achieving optimal performance and visual quality. NovaStar, a leading provider of LED display control solutions, offers two powerful software tools: NovaLCT and NovaVMP. These tools are designed to meet the diverse needs of screen manufacturers, contractors, distributors, rental application clients, end users, and technical support engineers. Let's explore what each tool offers and how they can enhance your LED display experience.

NovaLCT: The Basic Screen Configuration Tool

NovaLCT is a versatile and user-friendly LED screen configuration tool that runs on Windows. It is designed to configure NovaStar synchronous control system products and multimedia players of asynchronous control systems. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Easy Installation:

    • The latest installation package can be downloaded from the NovaStar official website at any time, making it quick and easy to install.
  2. Practical Functions:

    • NovaLCT offers a range of commonly used functions, including screen configuration, screen monitoring, redundancy settings, brightness adjustment, multi-batch adjustment, dark or bright line adjustment, and multifunction card management. These functions ensure that the screen presents an optimal display effect and is easy to manage and maintain.
  3. Wide Scope of Applications:

    • NovaLCT is suitable for configuring both synchronous and asynchronous control systems, making it a versatile tool for various application scenarios.
  4. Efficient Configuration:

    • Once the PC and control system product are connected, users can perform any operations with the PC. NovaLCT displays the corresponding functions and parameters according to different hardware models and programs, allowing for quick and efficient configuration.

NovaVMP: The Vision Management Platform

NovaVMP (Vision Management Platform) is an advanced management tool designed to provide comprehensive control and monitoring of LED displays. It offers a more sophisticated and centralized approach to managing LED display systems. Here are some of its standout features:

  1. Centralized Management:

    • NovaVMP allows users to manage multiple LED displays from a single platform, providing a centralized view and control over all connected devices.
  2. Advanced Monitoring:

    • The platform offers real-time monitoring of display status, including temperature, humidity, voltage, and fan speed. This ensures that any potential issues can be detected and addressed promptly.
  3. Enhanced Configuration:

    • NovaVMP supports advanced configuration options, including dynamic booster, full-grayscale calibration, and adaptive frame rate adjustments. These features help achieve the highest possible image quality and performance.
  4. User-Friendly Interface:

    • The platform is designed with an intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and perform various tasks, from basic configurations to advanced settings.
  5. Remote Access:

    • With NovaVMP, users can access and manage their LED displays remotely, providing flexibility and convenience, especially for large-scale or geographically dispersed installations.


Both NovaLCT and NovaVMP are essential tools for managing and configuring LED displays, but they serve different purposes and cater to different needs:

  • NovaLCT is a straightforward and efficient tool for basic screen configuration and management.
  • NovaVMP provides advanced management capabilities, centralized control, and real-time monitoring of multiple displays.

By understanding the features and benefits of each tool, you can utilize the full potential of your NovaStar products!

For more information or to download the latest versions of NovaLCT and NovaVMP, visit our page for NovaStar software.